Systems Thinking with Flowers (fonograf, 2022)

“Languell writes baseball, ‘the thinking person’s game,’ very specifically, while simultaneously utilizing the subject as a way to write through and about far beyond the game.” –Rob McLennan

Call the Catastrophists (BlazeVox, 2011)

“There is novelty. Surprise. Horror, too; shadings our own language seems incapable of—” -Gabriel Blackwell for Big Other

Quite Apart (University of Akron Press, 2019)

“Through varying modes of address, different scales of detail, complete sentences set against fragments, Languell creates resonant swirls.” -Morgan Võ for The Poetry Project Newsletter

Gray Market (1913 Press, 2016)

“defiantly reproduces the rhetoric and syntax of consumer culture” -Publishers Weekly

“A voice that cuts through feeling and philosophy with the cool, sterilized hands of a life long heart surgeon.” -Cornelia Barber for Queen Mob’s Tea House


The Big Flawed Heart: Poems after Middlemarch (Essay Press, 2017)

Diamonds in the Flesh, collaboration with Robert Alan Wendeborn (Double Cross Press, 2015)

Archive Theft, interviews (Essay Press, 2015)

Last Song (dancing girl press, 2014)

Be a Dead Girl (Argos Books, 2014)

Fashion Blast Quarter (Flying Object, 2014)